How to Streamline Machine Learning/ Data Science Projects?

CRISP-DM (Image from wikipedia)

When it comes to designing, developing and implementing a project related to data mining/ machine learning or deep learning, it is always better to follow a framework for streamlining the project flow.

It is OK to adapt a software development framework such as scrum, or waterfall method to manage a ML related project but I feel like having more streamlined process which pays attention on data would be an advantage for the success of a such project.

To my understanding there can be two variations of ML related projects.

  1. Solely machine learning/ data science based projects
  2. Software development projects where ML related services are a sub component of the main project.

The step-by step process am explaining can be used in both of these variations with your own additions and modifications.

Basically this is what I do when I get a ML related project to my hand.

I follow the steps of a good old standard process known as Cross-industry standard process for data mining (CRISP-DM) to streamline the project flow. Let’s go step by by step.

Step 1 : Business understanding

First you have to identify what is the problem you going to address with the project. Then you have to be open minded and answer the following questions.

  1. What is the current situation of this project? (whether it is using some conventional algorithm to solve this problem etc. )
  2. Do we really need to use machine learning to solve this problem? ( Using ML or deep learning for solving some problems maybe over engineering. Take a look whether it is essential to use ML to do the project.)
  3. What is the benefit of implementing the project? (ML projects are quite expensive and resource hungry. Make sure you get the sufficient RoI with the implementation.)
  4. What are constraints, limitations and risks? ( It’s always better to do a risk assessment prior the project. The data you have to use may have compliance issues. Look on those aspects for sure!)
  5. What tools and techniques am going to use? ( It maybe bit hard to determine the full tech stack you going to use before dipping your feet into the project. But good have even a rough idea on the tools, platforms and services you going to use to development and implementation. DON’T forget implementation phase. You may end up having a pretty cool development which maybe hard to implement with the desired application. So make sure you know your tool-set first)

Tip : If you feel like you are not having experience with this phase, never hesitate to discuss about it with the peers and experts in the field. They may come-up with easy shortcuts and techniques to make your project a success.

Step 2 : Data understanding

Data is the most vital part of any data science/ ML related project. When it comes to understanding the data, I prefer answering these questions.

  1. How big/small the data is? (Sometimes training deep learning models may need a lot of annotated data which is hard to find)
  2. How credible/ accurate the data is?
  3. What is the distribution of data?
  4. What are the key attributes and what are not-so-important attributes in data?
  5. How the data has been stored? (Data comes in CSVs/JSONs or flat files etc.)
  6. Simple statistical analysis of data?

Before digging into the main problem, you can save a lot of time by taking a closer look on data that you have or that you going to get.

Step 3 : Data preparation

To be honest, this step takes 80% of total project time most of the times. Data that we find in real world are not clean or in the perfect shape. Perfectly cleaned and per-processed data will save a lot of time in later stages. Make sure you follow the correct methodologies for data cleansing. This step may include tasks such as writing dataloaders for your data. Make sure to document the data preparation steps you did to the original dataset. Otherwise you may get confused in later stages.

Step 4 : Modelling

This is the step where you actually get the use of machine learning algorithms and related approaches. What I normally do is accessing the data and try some simple modelling techniques to interpret the data I have. For an example, will say I have a set of images to be classified using a artificial neural network based classifier… I’d first use a simple neural network with one or two hidden layers and see if the problem formation and modelling strategy is making any sense. If that’s successful, I’ll move for more complex approaches.

Tip : NEVER forget documentation! Your project may grow exponentially with thousands of code lines and you may try hundreds of modelling techniques to get the best accuracy. So that keep clear documentation on what you did to make sure you can roll back and see what you have done before.

Step 5 : Evaluation

Evaluating the models we developed is essential to determine whether we have done the right thing. Same as software review processes I prefer having a set framework to evaluate the ML projects. Make sure to select appropriate evaluation matrix. Some may not indicate the real behaviour of the models you build.

When performing a ML model evaluation, I plan ahead and make a set structure for the evaluation report. It makes the process easy to compare it against different parameter changes of the single model.

In most of the cases, we neglect the execution or the inference time when evaluating ML models. These can be vital factors in some applications. So that plan your evaluation wisely.

Step 6 : Deployment & Maintenance

Deployment is everything! If the deployment fails in the production, there’s no value in all the model development workload you did.

You should select the technologies and approaches to deliver the ML services (as REST web services, Kubernetes, container instances etc. ). I personally prefer containerising since it’s neat and clean. The deployed models should be monitored regularly. Predictions can get deviated with time. Sometimes data distribution can be changed. Make sure you create a robust monitoring plan beforehand.

Tip : What about the health of the published web endpoints or the capacity of inference clusters you using?? Yp! Make sure you monitor the infrastructure too.

This is just a high-level guideline that you can follow for streamlining data science/machine learning related tasks. This is a iterative process. There’s no hard bound rules saying you MUST follow these steps. Microsoft has introduced team data science process (TDSP) adapting and improving this concept with their own tool-sets.

Key takeaway : Please don’t follow cowboy coding for machine learning/ data science projects! Having a streamline process is always better! 🙂

Mission Plan for building a Predictive model

maxresdefaultWhen it comes to a machine learning or data science related problem, the most difficult part would be finding out the best approach to cope up with the task. Simply to get the idea of where to start!

Cross-industry standard process for data mining, commonly known by its acronym CRISP-DM, is a data mining process model describes commonly used approaches that data mining experts use to tackle problems. This process can be easily adopted for developing machine learning based predictive models as well.



No matter what are the tools/IDEs/languages you use for the process. You can adopt your tools according to the requirement you’ve.

Let’s walk through each step of the CRISP-DM model to see how it can be adopted for building machine learning models.

Business Understanding –

This is the step you may need the technical knowhow as well as a little bit of knowledge about the problem domain. You should have a clear idea on what you going to build and what would be the functional value of the prediction you suppose to do through the model. You can use Decision Model & Notation ( to describe the business need of the predictive model. Sometimes, the business need you are having might be able to solve using simple statistics other than going for a machine learning model.

Identifying the data sources is a task you should do in this step. Should check whether the data sources are reliable, legal and ethical to use in your application.

Data Understanding –

I would suggest you to do the following steps to get to know your data better.

  1. Data Definition – A detailed description on each data field in the data source. The notations of the data points, the units that the data points have been measured would be the cases you should consider about.
  2. Data Visualization – Hundreds or thousands of numerical data points may not give a clear idea for you what the data is about or an idea about the shape of your data. You may able to find interesting subsets of your data after visualizing it. It’s really easy to see the clustering patterns or the trending nature of the data in a visualized plot.
  3. Statistical analysis – Starting from the simple statistical calculations such as mean, median; you can calculate the correlation between each data field and it will help you to get a good idea about the data distribution. Feature engineering to increase the accuracy of the machine learning model. For performing that a descriptive statistical analysis would be a great asset.

For data understanding, The Interactive Data Exploration, Analysis and Reporting tool (IDEAR) can be used without getting the hassle of doing all the coding from the beginning. (Will discuss on IDEAR in a long run soon)

Data Preparation –

Data preparation would take roughly 80% of your time of the process implying it’s the most vital part in building predictive models.

This is the phase where you convert the raw data that you got from the data sources for the final datasets that you use for building the ML models. Most of the data you got from raw sources like IoT sensors or collectives are filled with outliers, contains missing values and disruptions. In the phase of data preparation, you should follow data preprocessing tasks to make those data fields usable in modeling.

Modeling –

Modeling is the part where algorithms comes to the scene. You can train and fit your data to a particular predictive model to perform the deserved prediction. You may need to check the math behind the algorithms sometimes to select the best algorithm that won’t overfit or underfit the model.

Different modeling methods may need data in different forms. So, you may need to revert back for the data preparation phase.

Evaluation –

Evaluation is a must before deploying a model. The objective of evaluating the model is to see whether the predictive model is meeting the business objectives that we’ve figured out in the beginning. The evaluation can be done with many parameter measures such as accuracy, AUC etc.

Evaluation may lead you to adjust the parameters of the model and might have to choose another algorithm that performs better. Don’t expect the machine learning model to be 100% accurate. If it is 100% most probably it would be an over fitted case.

Deployment –

Deployment of the machine learning model is the phase where the client, or the end user going to consume. In most of the cases, the predictive model would be a part of an intelligent application that acts as a service that gets a set of information and give a prediction as an output of that.

I would suggest you to deploy the module as a single component, so that it’s easy to scale as well as to maintain. APIs / Docker environments are some cool technologies that you can adopt for deploying machine learning models.

CRISP-DM won’t do all the magic of getting a perfect model as the output though it would definitely help you not to end up in a dead-end.