Using PySpark’s PartitionBy Function for String Column in Data Partitioning

In the previous blog post, we looked into data partitioning in Spark applications and the benefits it brings to the table. An essential consideration for data partitioning is deciding which data field or column to employ as the basis for partitioning your data.

When your data includes categorical or temporal columns, the choice for a partitioning column is relatively straightforward. However, what if you find yourself faced with a string column that needs to serve as the partitioning factor? It doesn’t make sense to partition data based on a multitude of distinct string values, and this approach won’t necessarily lead to optimal Spark performance.

There’s a clever technique that can be employed to partition Spark DataFrames based on the values within a string column. It involves using the first letter of each string value as the partitioning criterion. This method not only simplifies the partitioning process but can also enhance the efficiency of your Spark operations.

Here’s a simple example on performing data partitioning based on the first letter of a string column.

# create a list of tuples containing data
data = [("Alice", 25), ("Bob", 30), ("Charlie", 35), 
              ("Dave", 40), ("Eliza", 23), ("'Owen", 21)]

# create a PySpark DataFrame from the list of tuples
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ["Name", "Age"])

# Create partioning column and add it to the DataFrame
df = df.withColumn("Name_first_letter", df.Name.substr(1, 1))

# Remove non-alphanueric characters from Name_first_letter column
# This ensure that the partitioning column is a valid directory name
df = df.withColumn("Name_first_letter", 
                  df.Name_first_letter.regexp_replace("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "_"))

# Write the PySpark DataFrame to a Parquet file 
# partitioned by Name_first_letter

Partitioning a PySpark DataFrame by the first letter of the values in a string column can have several advantages, depending on your specific use case and data distribution. Here are some potential advantages:

  • Improved Query Performance: Partitioning can significantly improve query performance when you often filter, or aggregate data based on the first letter of the string column. By partitioning the data by the first letter, you can avoid scanning the entire DataFrame for each query, and instead, the query engine can efficiently skip irrelevant partitions.
  • Faster Data Retrieval: When you’re looking for specific records that start with a particular letter, partitioning makes it faster to retrieve those records. It reduces the amount of data that needs to be read and processed.
  • Parallelism: Partitioning allows for better parallelism in data processing. Different tasks can work on different partitions concurrently, which can lead to improved overall performance.
  • Reduced Shuffling: Partitioning can reduce data shuffling during operations like joins and aggregations.
  • Easier Data Maintenance: If your data frequently changes, partitioning can make it easier to update or append data to specific partitions without affecting the entire dataset. This can be particularly useful for scenarios where you have a large historical dataset and regularly receive new data.

It’s worth noting that while partitioning can offer these advantages, it also comes with some trade-offs. Partitioning can increase storage overhead because it creates multiple directories/files on the storage system. Additionally, it requires careful planning to choose the right partitioning strategy based on your query patterns and data characteristics.  

What’s Best for Me? – 5 Data Analytics Service Selection Scenarios Explained

With the extensive usage of cloud-based technologies to perform machine learning and data science related experiments, choosing the right toolset/ platform to perform the operations is a key part for the project success.

Since selecting the perfect toolset for our ML workloads maybe bit tricky, I thought of sharing my thoughts on that by getting a couple of generic use cases. Please keep in mind that the use cases I have chosen and the decisions I’m suggesting are totally my own view on the scenarios and this may differ based on different factors (amount of data, time frame, allocated budget, ability of the developer etc.) you have with your project. Plus, the suggestions I’m pointing out here are from the services comes with Microsoft Azure cloud. This maybe the easily adjusted for other cloud providers too.

Scenario 1:

We are a medium scale micro financing company having our data stored on Microsoft Azure. We have a plan to build a datalake and use that for analytical and reporting tasks. We have a diverse data team with abilities in python, Scala and SQL (most of the data engineers are only familiar with SQL). We need to build a couple of machine learning models for predictions. What would be the best platform to go forward with? Azure Databricks or Azure ML Studio?

Suggestion: Azure Databricks


  • Databricks is more flexible in ETL and datalake related data operations comparing to AzureML Studio.
  • You can perform data curation and machine learning within a single product with Azure Databricks.
  • Databricks can connect with Azure Data Factory pipelines to handle data flow and data curation tasks within the datalake.
  • Since the data engineers are more familiar with SQL, they’ll easily adapt with SparkSQL on Databricks.
  • Data team can develop their machine learning experiments with any language of their choice with Databricks notebooks.
  • Databricks notebooks can be used for analytical and reporting tasks even with a combination of PowerBI.
  • Given that, the company is planning for building a datalake, Databricks is far more flexible in ETL tasks. You can use Azure Data Factory pipelines with Databricks to control the data flow of the datalake.

Scenario 2:

I’m a computer science undergrad. I’m doing a software project to predict several types of wildflowers by capturing images from a mobile phone. I’m planning to build my computer vision model using TensorFlow and Keras and expose the service as a REST API.  Since I’m not having the infrastructure to train the ML models, I’m planning to use Azure for that. Which tool on Azure should I choose?

Suggestion: Azure ML Studio


  • AzureML provides a complete toolset to train, test and deploy a deep learning model using any open-source framework of your choice.
  • You can use the GPU training clusters on AzureML to train your models.
  • It’s easy to log your model training and experiments using AzureML python SDK.
  • AzureML gives you the ability for model management and exposing the trained model as a REST API.
  • Small learning curve and adaptability.

Scenario 3:

I’m the CEO of a retail company. I’m not having a vast experience with computing or programming but having a background in maths and statistics. I have a plan to use machine learning to perform predictive analysis with the data currently having in my company. Most of the data are still in excel! Someone suggested me to use Azure. What product on Azure should I choose?

Suggestion: Azure ML Studio


  • For a beginner in machine learning and data science, Azure ML Studio is a good start.
  • AzureML Studio provides no-code environments (Azure ML designer and AutoML) to develop ML models.   
  • Since, you are mostly in the experimental stage and not going for using bigger datasets, using Databricks would be an overkill.
  • You can easily import your prevailing data and start experimenting and playing around with them without any local environmental setup.

Scenario 4:

I’m the IT manager of a large enterprise who are heavily relying on data assets with our decision-making process. We have to run iterative jobs daily to retrieve data from different external sources and internal systems. Currently we have an on-prem SQL database acting as the data warehouse.  Company has decided to go for cloud. Can Azure serve our needs?   

Suggestion: Yes. Azure can serve your need with different tools in the data & AI domain.


  • You can use Azure Synapse Analytics or Azure Data Factory to build data pipelines and perform ETL operations.
  • The local data warehouse can be easily migrated to Azure cloud.
  • You can use Azure Databricks in-order to perform analytics tasks.
  • Since the enterprise in large and scaling, using Databricks would be better with its Spark based computation abilities.

Scenario 5:

We are an agricultural company growing forward with adopting modern Agri-tech into the business. We collect numerous data values from our plantations and store them in our cloud databases. We have a set of data scientists working on data modelling and building predictive models related to crop fertilizing and harvesting. They are currently using their own laptops to perform analysis and it’s troublesome with the data amount, platform configurations and security. Will Azure ML comes handy in our case?

Suggestion: Yes. Azure ML Studio would be a good choice.


  • AzureML can be easily adaptable as an analytical platform.
  • The cloud databases can be connected to AzureML, and data scientists can straight-up start working on the data assets.
  • AzureML is relatively cheap comparing to Databricks (Given the data amount is manageable in a single computer.)
  • It’s easy to perform prototyping of models using AutoML/ AzureML Designer and then implement the models within a short time frame.  

Generally, these are the factors I would keep in mind when selecting the services for ML/ data related implementations on Azure.

  • Azure ML studio is good when you are training with a limited data, though Azure ML provides training clusters, the data distribution among the nodes is to be handled in the code.
  • AzureML Studio comes handy in prototyping with AzureML designer and Automated ML.
  • Azure Databricks with its RDDs is designed to handle data distributed on multiple nodes which is advantageous when your you have big datasets.
  • When your data size is small and can fit in a scaled up single machine/ you are using a pandas dataframe, then use of Azure Databricks is an overkill.
  • Services like Azure Data Factory and Datalake storage can be easily interconnected for building  

Let me know your thoughts on these scenarios as well. Add your queries in the comments too. I’ll try my best to provide my suggestions for those use cases.

Medallion Data Lakehouse Architecture

“Who rules the data, rules the world”

Business world has realised data is the most important asset for the growth and business success. Since traditional data storage and architectural methods are not capable of handling massive data volumes and advance analytics capabilities, organisations are looking for new approaches for dealing with it.

When it comes to big data stores, Data Warehouses and Data Lakes are well-known and widely used in the industry for a long time. Data Warehouses are used for storing structured data, Data Lakes are occupied when there’s the need for storing unstructured data from variety of formats.

Source : Databricks

As the table shows Data Warehouses and Data Lakes are having their own advantages and disadvantages. Modern data platforms often need the features from both worlds. Data Lakehouse is a highbred approach which combines the features from Data Warehouse and Data Lake.

In short, a Data Lakehouse is an architecture that enables efficient and secure Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Business Intelligence (BI) directly on vast amounts of data stored in Data Lakes.

With the increasing need of AI and BI workloads, Data Lakehouse architecture has caught up the attention of data professionals and has become the to-go approach to handle massive amount of data from different source systems and different formats. As the Data Lakehouse is the central location for data in an organisation, it is necessary to follow a multi-layer architecture that ensure consistency, isolation, and durability of data as it passes through multiple processing stages.

The medallion approach consists of 3 data layers. The terms bronze (raw), silver (validated), and gold (enriched) describe the quality of the data at each of these levels.

Let’s see the features and usage of each data layer of the architecture.

The Bronze Layer

This is where the journey starts! The data in various formats coming from different source systems, streaming data etc. are stored in a distributed file store which can hold vast data volumes. Normally the data in the bronze layer is not cleansed or processed (Data is in in their raw format). It can be timestamped or saved as it comes from sources.   

The Silver Layer

Though we have zillions of data in the bronze layer, most of it could be just garbage and not worthy enough for any analytical tasks. When transferring data to the silver layer, transformation rules are applied to cleanse the data, remove null values, and join with lookup tables. The cleansed and validated data in the silver layer can be used for ad-hoc reporting, sophisticated analytics and even for machine learning model training.  

The Gold Layer

As the name implies, this is the most valuable portion or the form of data in the organisation. This layer is accountable for aggregating data from the silver layer for business use. Since the data is enriched with business logic principles, data in the gold layer is mostly used in BI reporting and analytical tasks. Data analysts, data scientists and business analysts highly rely on the data available in the gold layer.

Storing the data with a medallion architecture ensure the data quality and its transparency. Medallion architecture is mainly promoted by Databricks, but can use as a blueprint for structuring Lakehouse in other platforms too.

What’s your choice for storing big data? Sticking with data lake or moving to Lakehouse?
